40+ Rules Gwyneth Paltrow Makes Her Kids Follow, Including Ones Chris Martin Doesn’t Agree With

This article appeared in Instantlymodern and has been published here with permission.

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Parenting while living a pretty “normal” life can be hard for A-listers. This is even tougher for celebrities who have to parent in the public eye. Parenting as a celeb often leads to harsh criticism by those who disagree with the rules that celebrity parents enforce in their homes, and Gwyneth Paltrow is no stranger to this criticism. Her unique parenting style has raised a few eyebrows over the years. Let’s take a look at some of the stricter rules that Paltrow has enforced in her home as she raises her children. We’ll also look at some of the rules that her ex-husband Chris Martin doesn’t agree with.

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Path to Motherhood

Award-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow is known for her roles in movies like Shakespeare in Love, Emma, Seven, and Sliding Doors. Shortly after meeting Coldplay frontman Chris Martin backstage at one of his gigs in October 2002, the pair quickly embarked on a whirlwind romance that saw them married a few months later in 2003.

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Their wedding was a big secret, and the couple only announced their union to the world a few months later. The couple welcomed daughter Apple in 2004 and went on to have their second child, son Moses, two years later in 2006.

The Marriage Fell Apart

Unfortunately, too many differences (and a rumor of infidelity) caused the couple to separate in 2014. Their divorce was finalized in 2016. The separation came as a surprise to many people who thought that the marriage was a match made in heaven.

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Regardless of their marital status, Paltrow and Martin endeavor to raise their children together and still spend as much of their free time together as a family as possible. But, Martin doesn’t always share some of Paltrow’s more questionable rules for their children, as he believes in a more relaxed approach to parenting.

Respecting the Rules

He is, however, respectful of his ex-wife’s choices and doesn’t interfere with her rules too much. While some may not agree with the rules Gwyneth has enforced on her children, it’s important to remember that each parent wants only the best for their children.

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What works for her might not work for others, but Gwyneth is insistent on enforcing these rules with her children to ensure they live as normal a life as possible. Even though Chris and Gwyneth live their lives in the spotlight, they don’t want that for their kids.

No English TV Shows or Cartoons

Paltrow aims to raise her children, Apple and Moses, to be multilingual. Therefore, she’s enforced a rule that sees the children only watch TV shows in a foreign language. While some might see this as a bit harsh, it does give the kids an opportunity to learn a different language, which is what the actress wants for her children.

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However, Chris Martin adopts a more relaxed approach to what the kids watch and lets them watch whatever they want when spending time with him.

No Processed Foods

It’s no secret that Gwyneth Paltrow adopts a healthy lifestyle – one that she enforces in her home, too, and has cut processed foods out of Apple and Moses’ diets completely. This list includes snacks, chips, cookies, cake, and even string cheese.

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Paltrow is so against this childhood favorite that she once spoke about her dislike for the party snack in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel. “Spray cheese is not my kind of party.”

Strict Diets

While we’re on the subject of food, Paltrow has often spoken of the strict diet she’s imposed on her children. Health-nut Gwyneth has shared that her diet excludes meat, dairy, soy, shellfish, coffee, adult beverages, and sugar.

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Thankfully, Apple and Moses aren’t made to stick to this diet and rather follow a low-carb, gluten-free diet. Mom Gwyneth only wants the best for her children and has told her critics that science backs up her theory that gluten causes many health issues for kids.

Spending Time Outdoors

Paltrow believes, and we can agree on this one, that spending time outdoors is not only healthy but necessary. She encourages her kids to spend time outdoors as much as possible.

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Whether going for a walk, picking fruits and vegetables, or enjoying some time in the pool, Gwyneth and Chris’s children spend most of their time outdoors. You know what they say – you can never get enough Vitamin D! Plus, fresh air is healing to the body and soul.

Finding a Balance

We all know that kids thrive on routine, and for children with celebrity parents, finding time just to chill out while navigating a busy schedule can be tricky. Paltrow has taken a bit of the pressure off herself as she’s decreased the number of acting gigs she takes on and spends more time with her family.

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Balance is key, and Paltrow has worked hard to ensure that her family has the right balance between work and play. She doesn’t want to spend her whole life working and missing out on experiences with her kids.

Always Use Flax Oil

As part of her routine to ensure that everyone has everything they need in the morning before school, Gwyneth lays out their clothes, preps their lunches, and makes sure that her children have a healthy breakfast to start their day off right.

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The whole family drinks a spoonful of lemon-flavored flax oil before heading out the door, even on those mornings when they’re running late. Flex oil has benefits for digestion by reducing the risk of constipation while also lowering the risk of heart disease. Go, Gwyneth!

Social Media No-No’s

While trying to live as normal a life as possible, Paltrow shields her children from the public eye and refrains from posting their photos on social media, except on special occasions.

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A quick visit to her Instagram page reveals tons of family and lifestyle photos but very few of her children. Once they’re old enough to decide for themselves, they can take their own photos. Until then, Gwyneth insists on keeping her kids protected.


Gwyneth Paltrow was born and raised in the USA, while Coldplay frontman Chris Martin, father of Apple and Moses, grew up in the UK. Paltrow tried her best to influence her children to speak in posh British accents when they were younger.

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She’s had less control over this as they’ve gotten older. At the moment, the children are said to speak in a mixture of American and British slang, which makes sense based on having an American mom and a British dad. We love a mixed accent!

Religious Beliefs

Paltrow raised her children in a Jewish household, observing the Sabbath and a kosher home. Bruce Paltrow, the actress’s father, was Jewish.

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While she grew up in a Jewish and Catholic home, she wanted to instill the values of Judaism in her children from the get-go. Chris didn’t have a huge preference, either way, so what Gwyneth wanted wasn’t an issue.

Schooling Options

It’d seem that the Paltrow kids’ father, Chris Martin, would’ve liked to see his kids go through school in the public school system, allowing them to participate in music and other programs that’d allow them to live somewhat normal lives.

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Paltrow, however, has both her children enrolled in private schools and wants only the best for their education. This is a point that most parents would agree with.

Family Time

We have to admire Gwyneth and Chris’s efforts to put their children first. While their marriage came to an abrupt end in 2014 as the couple separated, they agreed that their children are what’s most important to them, and they still do many things together as a family.

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Paltrow explained her stance when questioned about her family doing brunch together even though they’re divorced. “What that really means is, ‘Even though today, you hate me and you never want to see me again, like, we’re going to brunch,’ cause it’s Sunday, and that’s what we’ll do!'”

No Junk Food

While we’ve already covered the strict diets that Gwyneth’s children need to follow, the ban on junk foods deserves mention. Shortly after their separation, Martin took the children to a restaurant where they were seen shoveling huge handfuls of french fries into their mouths.

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Paltrow is a big believer in cutting junk food out completely, and this display was labeled a “french fry frenzy” by the media. She has also mentioned her “Coke a week” rule. Martin, however, is known for sneaking chips, cookies, and candy to his children on the sly, believing that a treat every once in a while is a good thing.

Mobile Phone Rules

It’d seem that Apple Martin was one of the last of her friends to get a mobile phone, as she only got one when she turned 12. For us oldies, that doesn’t seem super weird, but times have changed.

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As odd as this rule may seem, Paltrow is rather relaxed around the rule on mobile phones, and the children are allowed to text and post on social media as they choose. But they weren’t allowed a phone until they were a bit older.

Plans for the Future

Paltrow would like to see her children find their own career paths and is trying her utmost to steer them away from anything in the entertainment industry. As a child of famous parents herself, she’d like to see them have more “normal” careers in the future.

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It’ll be interesting to see how this pans out, as Apple has already expressed her interest in a career in music. The children performed with their father and his band on stage a few years back while Gwyneth watched them from the audience.

Family First, Always

There’s absolutely no doubt that Paltrow loves her children and does everything she can to give them a happy life. She’s often stated that family comes first and has confessed that she still lies with them at night and even lets her children skip a day of school to spend the day with her.

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One of the weirder rules she had when Apple and Moses were younger, was to enjoy a family bath together. As the kids are now in their teens, this rule has fallen away.

Spending Lots of Time Together

Spending time with her family is clearly important to Gwyneth. As she’s said, “They say that if you strengthen and amplify your family and love connections, it’s the best thing for your health, so I always try to make sure that I do that every day. It’s not hard. They’re pretty cute.”

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The children spend their time between the UK and the USA and get the best of both worlds as they divide their time between their mother and father’s respective homes.

The “Relaxed” Rules of Gwyneth Paltrow

While some of Gwyneth’s stricter rules might seem over the top to many, some other rules see her having fun and letting her kids enjoy their childhoods.

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Below, we’re going to look at a few of the more relaxed rules that Gwyneth has implemented as she now parents her teens.

Video Games

While some of Gwyneth’s stricter rules might seem over the top to many, some other rules see her having fun and letting her kids enjoy their childhoods. Gwyneth has relaxed many rules now that her kids are in their teens.

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She’s made no secret of the fact that she prefers her children to watch foreign language cartoons, but there’s no limit on the amount or type of video games they play. The children have free access to video games.

The Easing of Snack Rules

Paltrow has eased up on her strict rule of no snacks or junk food as the kids get older and now allows them the occasional Oreo or candy. While they still enjoy a healthy diet, she’s swapped the carrot sticks and hummus for more sweet treats like cotton candy and chocolate bars.

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Chris is relieved by this move as he’s always believed that kids should enjoy snacks and used to sneak them candy whenever he could. Well done, Chris! We bet your kids love that you did this!

Skipping School

We mentioned this in Gwyneth’s list of strict rules but felt it necessary to mention that the actress lets her kids skip school to spend the day together. She revealed this in a recent interview and shared that she let Apple skip school so they could spend a day together shopping and getting their nails done.

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We applaud this rule and believe that taking a mental health or “sick” day every now and then is necessary. Plus, it meant that the two lovely ladies got to spend some time bonding as mother and daughter, which is critical in this fast-paced world.

No Summer Camps

It’s almost customary for kids to spend eight weeks away from their parents as they attend summer camps. Paltrow, however, doesn’t allow this and says she actually likes spending time with her children.

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While she spent her summers at various camps as a child, she’d prefer to spend summers with her children, as she told Jimmy Kimmel in an interview about her parenting choices.


Gwyneth Paltrow started her Goop empire in 2008. Now, Goop is a bustling conglomerate that includes a TV show, magazine, and website with an online store. This Hollywood actress believes that it’s important to instill her business-savvy mentality in her children.

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She encourages them to follow their dreams and she hopes they’ll take over the Goop empire one day. Even if they don’t take it over and chose to start their own businesses instead, at least they’ll have some solid entrepreneurship skills to use.

Reinventing Themselves

Gwyneth wants to give her children the best of both worlds and believes that moving between countries will give them a chance to experience different cultures and lifestyles and allow them to experience as much as possible.

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While many parents will disagree and say that this can only cause disruption and chaos in a child’s life, she’s put her foot down and said that she’ll raise her children how she sees fit.

School Transport

School buses are a big no-no to Gwyneth as she takes her children to school on a Vespa every day. Paltrow purchased the Vespa a good few years back and believes that taking her kids to school herself is vitally important.

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Although this may seem like an odd one, we love that Gwyneth wants to ensure her kids get to school safely and that she’s chosen an alternative, more environmentally-friendly way of doing so.

Chris Martin Disagrees

There’s no such thing as the perfect parent, and you’ll find most couples argue about how to raise a child. Celebrity couples are no different, and Chris Martin, too, disagreed with many of his now ex-wife’s parenting choices after welcoming their children.

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Daughter Apple was born in 2004, and son Moses joined the family in 2006. There are a few rules that Martin disagrees with, in which he felt other choices were better options for his children.

The No Cartoons Rule

Paltrow is known for only letting her children watch foreign language cartoons, while Martin allows his children to watch their favorite cartoons in their native language of English.

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Martin has no limits on how much TV the children can watch and regularly has movie nights with his teens. Either way, it looks like Apple and Moses are getting the best of both worlds!

Laid-Back Parenting Style

Chris Martin is definitely the more laid-back parent of the two and has confessed that he’d sneak snacks and other treats to his children while their mother wasn’t looking.

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Shortly after the couple’s separation in 2014, he was seen taking his children to a restaurant in what the media called a “french fry frenzy.” Although we agree that children can’t live on french fries alone, having this as a treat every now and then is great!

Rocky Balboa Diet

Coldplay singer Chris believes in adopting a “Rocky Balboa” diet, in which he eats everything that the boxing star would eat.

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While he was following a vegetarian diet during his marriage to Paltrow, he now enjoys meat as much as the next person. He also gives his children ice cream and other treats that they’re not usually allowed when they’re at home with Gwyneth.

Artistic Dreams

Gwyneth has publicly expressed her wish for her children to have normal careers away from the limelight. Still, Chris Martin is an avid believer in following your dreams and encourages his children to pursue their passions.

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For Apple, this dream is to become a musician, and it’s a dream that Chris fully supports. He’s more than happy to provide the guidance and connections she needs to get somewhere in the industry when the time is right. He can also ensure she avoids the downsides and pitfalls of the industry too.

Controlling Parents

Gwyneth Paltrow has often been labeled a control freak or helicopter parent by the media. But Chris Martin is the opposite and believes in letting his kids enjoy life as much as possible. Dubbed one of Hollywood’s best fathers, Martin lets his children enjoy the finer things in life and spoils them.

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It can be tricky to go against your wife’s wishes when it comes to raising children, but Martin takes it all in his stride as he, too, wants to give his children the best start in life.

Family Time Is Important

This isn’t really a rule that Martin doesn’t agree with, but it’s worth a mention. His wife has often spoken of the couple’s dedication to raising their children together and has mentioned how they still do things together as a family.

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Martin agrees and is often seen out and about with the family doing normal family things together. In 2016, the children performed on stage with Martin and his band while their mother watched lovingly from the audience.

Parenting Styles

When Martin and Paltrow split in 2014, they both agreed that they’d do their best to raise their children together. While Gwyneth has some outlandish and over-the-top rules for her children, Martin is more relaxed with his parenting approach.

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He’s more focused on letting his children lead their own lives and make their own choices. He’s a strong believer in letting them follow their dreams and not letting fame and celebrity get to them.

To Each Their Own

We’d really love to know more about what Chris thinks of some of the stricter rules his ex-wife has for their children. Let’s be honest, though – we all know that he’s too good of a guy to ever speak publicly about this topic.

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Instead, he raises his children the best way he can and lets his wife do the same in her home. Whatever they’re doing, it seems to be good because their kids are well-adjusted, respectful, and kind. Well done, Gwyneth and Chris!