There are a multitude of reasons why people overthink in their relationships. It can stem from being hurt in the past, like being betrayed and terrified that it will happen again, so you start analyzing every word and action. You may even be afraid of being left alone or misunderstood, but there are ways to stop those overthinking patterns.
Try Finding Empathetic Listeners
Deep-rooted fears are the main reason for overthinking in a relationship and you need people who will understand you and will listen to you compassionately. Turn to friends in your time of need and share your fears. Let them hear you out.

Venting your worries to someone close to you who can give you proper advice or even just sit and listen can save you from thinking too much about every thing that happens in your relationship.
Communicate With Your Partner
It may be extremely scary to open up to your partner about fears and concerns, especially in a new relationship, but it’s essential. Relationships need trust and understanding, so if you’re worried about your partner seeing you as unstable or driving them away, don’t!

You have to open up and share what you’re feeling, even if your thoughts are nonsensical or irrational. A good partner will empathize and listen with an open mind, which is a good sign your relationship will succeed.
A Gratitude List Could Help
It may feel silly to sit and focus on every little thing you’re grateful for in your relationship, but it’s actually a great idea! It can stop you from negative overthinking that will take its toll on you, your partner, and the entire relationship.

Choose a calm moment during the day, sit down with a journal, and start listing all the things you’re grateful for in the relationship, no matter how big or small. That will help keep your focus on the positive!
Try Meditating or Exercising
Focusing too much on little negative things in your relationship stems from anxiety derived from the past or concerning the future you may or may not have with this person. A great way to get rid of that anxiety is through meditation or working out. Both are proven ways to reduce anxiety and help focus your mind.

There are countless ways to try and reduce your overthinking and if you try them, you might just start focusing on the good in your relationship instead of the bad. This will contribute to not only the long-term health of your relationship, but make you feel better as an individual as well.