Lookout for Red Flags That May Be a Harbinger for a Bad Relationship

Some look for a fun short-term fling and don’t need to be so vigilant. However, if you’re one of those people who believe in big love and are looking for the right partner to spend your life with – experts point out some serious red flags you should be on the lookout for on a first date.

Lookout for Red Flags That May Be a Harbinger for a Bad Relationship
Red Flags

Safety Is a Concern

If the date you just swiped right on wants you to meet at his home – red flags should be going off in your head right away. If, at any point, that person wants to meet somewhere you don’t feel completely safe or you get a fishy feeling about – run!

Being on Time Is Essential

It’s not difficult to be on time, especially on a first date. If the person you are meeting makes you wait longer than a few minutes without a legitimate reason – it’s best to stay away.

Being on Time Is Essential

The Phone Is Number One

Going on a first date is an important pillar in getting to know one another. But that’s not possible if your date is constantly on the phone – that’s something to look out for.

The Breadcrumb Tactic

If you’re having to fight for the attention of your date – whether they’re on the phone or checking out another person – that date is not for you. It’s a concern, and you should stay away.

The Breadcrumb Tactic

Leading Red Flags – Rudeness

If they’re not treating the staff at the restaurant or cafe or wherever you are with respect, that will most likely reflect on you later on. It’s a big no-no if they’re going out of their way to be rude.

Talking the Entire Time

If they’re talking the entire time, they’re definitely self-absorbed. That doesn’t bode well at all if it’s happening on the first date. Talking constantly might also signify a need for control.

The Love-Bomb Surprise

Don’t get fooled by getting constant compliments and being swept off your feet right away on the first date. It might seem romantic and like you’re in a straight-up rom-com, but it’s also among the red flags that signify manipulative behavior and bad personality traits.

The Love-Bomb Surprise

The Ex Constantly Comes Up

The first date is not meant for all the encounters one has had in the past – especially one with an ex-lover. That topic should stay far away from the conversation. If that ex keeps coming up, you might want to rethink the possibility of having a solid relationship with that person.

Depending on what you’re looking for, red flags should be a top priority on a first date. If you are searching for that one person who you will share your foreseeable future with, there are certain concerning behaviors to watch out for, as suggested by experts.