What Is Slugging Skin? The Viral Hack for Dry Skin That Works

Shutterstock // Anna Gawlik

Do you suffer from dry skin? Are you interested in trying out a new method to combat it? Here’s a guide that explains everything you should know about slugging skin, including the benefits of slugging, which skin types are most suitable for this method, and how to add slugging to your skincare regime.

Facts About Slugging Skin Care

Slugging is a well-known moisturizing method that means slathering your face with a moisturizer that creates a barrier on the skin as the last step in your skincare routine. This trend gets its name from the slug-like sheen that it leaves on your skin after applying a slugging skin product of your choice. Vaseline is the most popular choice online for this purpose.

Occlusives that are used for slugging will effectively create a seal over the skin that traps moisture and prevents water loss when sleeping. The aim is to promote fresh-looking skin that looks both plump and hydrated. Slugging is said to be beneficial for anyone who suffers from acute dry skin. However, it is not recommended for people who are prone to acne outbreaks or for individuals who are prone to blemishes.

When to Use Slugging

One of the biggest benefits of using the slugging skin method is how straightforward it is to include in your pre-existing skincare routine. All that’s required is to use your face slugging product of choice at the end of your nighttime skincare regime, once all other steps have been completed.

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Slugging, as mentioned above, is done at night, as this gives the product time to do its work uninterrupted while you sleep. However, how often you should use this technique will depend on your skin type and any complexion issues you may be suffering from. For most skin types, completely sealing your skin every night isn’t necessary or even recommended, so try to alternate using your slugging regime with some non-slug days.