Dentist Ends Age-Old Debate About if People Should Brush Teeth Before or After Breakfast

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Certain topics in life always start an argument, and one of them is whether you should brush your teeth before you have breakfast or after. We all know that brushing in the morning is important, but what’s best when it comes to timing? Dr. Lawrence Smith, a dentist in the United Kingdom, is here to settle the debate.

Teeth and Treats

Certain times of the year mean eating candy and sweet foods more often than normal, and Dr. Smith says that you should eat them right after a meal instead of throughout the day. That’s because sugar causes more acid, which can result in tooth decay.

If you’re eating sugary things throughout the day, the sugar is hanging around constantly and your saliva has a harder time dealing with it, which can cause cavities. It seems that people who have dessert right after eating are onto something!

The Best Time to Brush

The same goes for sugary sodas. They’ve got something called carbonic acid, which can weaken your enamel over time and cause problems. There’s really no ideal time to drink them. But when is the ideal time to brush your teeth in the morning?

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It turns out that it’s best to brush after eating your breakfast! In fact, you shouldn’t even brush immediately, but rather should wait 30 minutes so that your saliva can rebalance its pH levels. Brushing before breakfast may make the enamel weaker, which means sugary or acidic foods can have an even stronger effect and cause more damage. Brushing after eating makes sense anyway because you want to remove any leftover food bits hanging out near your teeth. So next time you go to reach for your toothbrush as soon as you get out of bed, think again!