We’ve learned in recent years that you don’t need a fancy gym membership to keep in shape (although it doesn’t hurt). Instead of spending tons of money on specialized exercise equipment or pilates classes, why don’t you try these three exercises that have been designed to involve as many muscles of the body at once as possible?
Body Weight Squats

Squats are one of the best home routines you can do as they don’t require any equipment, not even an exercise mat. Just find some space anywhere and get to it. With bodyweight squats, form is key. Here’s what you should do:
Place your feet with the toes slightly pointed out and just a little wider than shoulder-width apart. As you drop to your squat, push your knees to the side, and drop your butt between your legs. Roll your toes up to make sure your weight is on your heels, then push back up through your heels.
Push Ups

This exercise also doesn’t require a mat, though you might still want to have one for this. The key to doing a good push-up is having your hands placed shoulder-width apart, with your hands directly under your shoulders.
Also, experts recommend not staring directly down. Instead, choose a spot a few inches in front of you and look there. Make sure to keep your chin up.
With a push-up, you can adjust your difficulty level. If staying on your toes is too difficult, do a push-up on your knees first to get the hang of the form needed.
Planks might seem easy, but if you do them right, they’re sure to help you keep in shape. A proper plank is all about engaging your core. Place your elbows under your shoulders and keep your body flat, with your butt slightly raised. This will help you activate those core muscles.
Once you’re in position, make sure to keep that core tight, by holding your belly in. To test that you’ve done it right, try to speak. If you can speak normally, squeeze your core tighter.